To load a module, the user has to mention its name in the event section of the configuration file. mpdcron looks for the modules first under MPDCRON_DIR/modules/ where MPDCRON_DIR is ~/.mpdcron by default. Next it looks at LIBDIR/mpdcron-VERSION/modules where LIBDIR is /usr/lib on most systems.


To load modules notification and scrobbler add this to your configuration file:

    # modules is a semicolon delimited list of modules to load.
    modules = notification;scrobbler

Writing Modules

Check mpdcron/gmodule.h and example.c to learn how to write mpdcron modules.

Standard Modules

Here is a list of mpdcron’s standard modules:



  • Uses notify-send to send notifications.
  • Can detect repeated songs.


    # mpdcron configuration file
    modules = notification

    # Covers path, defaults to ~/.covers
    cover_path = /path/to/cover/path
    # Cover suffix, defaults to jpg
    cover_suffix = png
    # Notification timeout in milliseconds.
    timeout = 50000
    # Notification type
    type = mpd
    # Notification urgency, one of low, normal, critical
    urgency = normal
    # Notification hints in format TYPE:NAME:VALUE, specifies basic extra data
    # to pass. Valid types are int, double, string and byte
    hints =


This module uses curl to submit songs to or Here’s an example configuration:


  • Uses libcurl
  • protocol 1.2 (including “now playing”)
  • supports seeking, crossfading, repeated songs


    # mpdcron configuration file
    modules = scrobbler

    # Http proxy to use, the module also respects http_proxy environment
    # variable.
    proxy =
    # Journal interval in seconds
    journal_interval = 60

    url =
    username = < username here>
    # Password can be specified in two ways: either bare or in the form md5:MD5-HASH
    password = < password here>

    url =
    username = < username here>
    password = < password here>


This module saves song data to a sqlite database.


  • Supports loving, killing, rating and tagging songs, artists, albums and genres.
  • Tracks play count of songs, artist, albums and genres.
  • Implements a simple server protocol for remote clients to receive data.


    # mpdcron configuration file
    modules = stats

    # Path to the database, default is MPDCRON_DIR/stats.db where MPDCRON_DIR is
    # ~/.mpdcron by default.
    dbpath = /path/to/database
    # Semi-colon delimited list of addresses to bind.
    # By default this module binds on any interface.
    bind_to_addresses = localhost;/home/alip/.mpdcron/stats.socket
    # Port to bind to, default port is 6601
    port = 6601
    # Default permissions for accessing the database.
    # This is a semi-colon delimited list of permissions.
    # Available permissions are:
    # select: Allows the client to do a select on the database.
    # update: Allows the client to do updates on the database.
    # The default is select;update
    default_permissions = select;update
    # Passwords to access the database.
    # This is a semi-colon delimited list of passwords in the form
    # password@permission.
    passwords = needvodka@update;needbeer@select

Creating/Updating the database

This module comes with a client called walrus to create or update the statistics database. See walrus –help output for more information.

Interacting with the database

This module comes with a client called eugene which can be used to interact with the statistics database. See eugene –help output for more information.

Importing data from

This module comes with a script called homescrape which can be used to import data to the statistics database. See homescrape –help output for more information.

Database Layout

Check the sql statements in the beginning of stats-sqlite.c.


Check the protocol page.